The #800gChallenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition . Eat 800 grams (g) of fruits and/or
vegetables, by weight, per day.
No foods are eliminated , but only fruits and veggies count toward the 800g. Eat the fruits and veggies or your choice. Hit the macros you want.
Raw, cooked, canned, frozen; doesn’t matter! If you can weigh it as a standalone and
unprocessed fruit or vegetable, you can count it. Yep, that’s it ! Here’s a one-sheet with all the rules.
So why 800g? It’s associated with increased health and is a simplified way to hit those
recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Read more here .
August 5 - Sep 1
You can register HERE
Enter cost - $25
We will be using Wodify Rise to log scores and leaderboard throughout the challenge. More
info on scoring can be found here .